Sandalia Feminina De Salto Dourada

O produto "Sandalia Feminina De Salto Dourada - Dourado" acabou.

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Inspire-se em produção fashion com essa Sandália Salto Bloco Feminina, perfeita para todos os momentos. Confeccionada em material sintético, tem solado de borracha, salto bloco e multi tiras.  TAMANHOS 33: 22,5 cm 34: 23 cm 35: 23,5cm 36: 24cm 37: 24,5cm 38: 25,5cm 39: 26 cm 40: 26,5cm { @context : , @type : Product , name : Executive Anvil , image : [ , , ], description : Sleeker than ACME s Classic Anvil, the Executive Anvil is perfect for the business traveler looking for something to drop from a height. , sku : 0446310786 , mpn : 925872 , brand : { @type : Brand , name : ACME }, review : { @type : Review , reviewRating : { @type : Rating , ratingValue : 4 , bestRating : 5 }, author : { @type : Person , name : Fred Benson } }, aggregateRating : { @type : AggregateRating , ratingValue : 4.4 , reviewCount : 89 }, offers : { @type : AggregateOffer , offerCount : 5 , lowPrice : 119.99 , highPrice : 199.99 , priceCurrency : BRL } }

  • Departamento BS: Calçados
  • Indicado para: Dia a Dia
  • Marca: Madár